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Riccardo Musso

A member registered May 10, 2018

Recent community posts

Simply perfect. Could play for hours

Wonderful! Very simple idea but imho well implemented, relaxing and fun! It felt like solving sudokus or playing minesweeper. Could be a great mobile game

(2 edits)

Nice game. The ducks and the general aesthetics are very cute :). The only problem is that the camera lags a bit too much, so it could distract from the game

Nice game! And I also appreciate the art style. The thing is that to me it was not very clear the objective of the game. In fact, I managed to finish the level but still don't know the purpose of the exploding mushrooms. A simple text at the beginning of the first level explaining it would have helped.

The idea is very nice and I love the look of the game, but it is too easy to play. Each level is beaten by simply dropping rocks away from the screen and dragging a box to move one of the magnets to the other one. I feel like the main mechanics have potential and could be expanded. For example, by not allowing the rocks to go away so easily (idk, maybe adding some walls or making the game a top-down one) and by adding some different objects.